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Our Team

Founders & Directors


Adrian graduated from McGill university in civil engineering and is currently working in construction project management. He is very passionate about equity and diversity, and the overall support of compassionate whole person care in medicine. When he is not working or volunteering, you can find Adrian in the pool or at the gym.

Adrian Goin

VHM Executive


Adamo is a PhD student in Experimental medicine studying diaphragm muscle in COPD and is the founder of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Portraits Canada (

He is an avid runner/marathoner and enjoys commuting by bike to school or for daily errands. He keeps in touch with his Italian roots by gardening with his nonna and family.

Adamo Anthony Donovan

Co-Founder & Director

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Milanka (Miki) is a McGill graduate with an honours Undergraduate degree and Master's degree in Anatomy & Cell Biology. She is currently a resident physician in the field of Ophthalmology in New York


Milanka is from New York and enjoys playing the cello and playing tennis with her three siblings.

Milanka Stevanovic
Co-Founder & Director


Volunteer & Hospital Management (VHM)

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Tarek is pursuing a master’s degree in Biochemistry at the Goodman Cancer research center (McGill) studying the role of the transcription factor Stat3 in immune suppression during breast cancer progression. For fun, I love to play sports including tennis and soccer.

Tarek Taifour
Head of VHM
RVH Coordinator



Yu completed her undergraduate studies in Microbiology and Immunology at the University of British Columbia and is currently a graduate student in Biochemistry at McGill University studying breast cancer tumour dormancy. She likes learning new words and speaks almost four languages. She enjoys travelling, reading, and finding icicles during winter.

Yu Gu
Head of VHM


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Amanda is a BSc student at Concordia University studying psychology with a specialization in Behavioural Neuroscience. Following her degree, she hopes to start medical school. Amanda is a proud dog mom to her sweet golden retriever, Huxley.

Amanda Gross
MGH Volunteer Representative


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Emily is a BSc student studying kinesiology and clinical exercise physiology at Concordia University with hopes of being a pediatric physician. She loves to travel, listen to music, spend time with friends a family, go skiing, and lift weights at the gym.

Emily Mancinone
MCH Representative


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Matthew is a MSc student in the department of Experimental Medicine at McGill University. He absolutely loves coding so you can imagine his interests are within genomics and bioinformatics. In his free time, he works on art installations with a collective, record music, and repair vintage synthesizers.

Matthew Salaciak
JGH Volunteer Representative


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Adeline has an undergraduate degree from l'Université de Montréal in Microbiology and Immunology. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Biochemistry at the Goodman Cancer Institute, her project being on breast cancer.
In her free time, she loves to play sports. She is also a violinist of 15+ years and is currently in the iMedici de McG
ill Orchestra.

Adéline Massé
RVH Volunteer Representative



Grace is a second year medical student at the University of Montreal. She first joined the ICUBP in 2020, and volunteered at the Royal Victoria site. Grace used to be a competitive figure skater and have represented Canada internationally. For fun, you can find her at the gym, working on a new crochet project, listening to music in bed, or snacking!

Grace Lin
MCH Coordinator


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Carolyn is currently in her final year in McGill's Faculty of Science, majoring in Pharmacology. Following her degree, she hopes to pursue a career in medicine. She also enjoys tennis!

Caroline Steinberg
JGH Coordinator


Inter-Team Coordinators


Sofia is pursuing a MSc under the supervision of Dr. Hamdy and Dr. Tsimicalis at the Shriners Hospitals for Children. She is interested in bringing innovations into the healthcare settings and as a result co-founded a MedTech startup where she serves as the Clinical Chief Officer. When she is not writing manuscripts, she is at the park with friends enjoying Montreal food and sunsets.

Sofia Addab
Support and Development Coordinator


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 Ava is a U4 Mechanical Engineering student at McGill. She enjoys learning, particularly about astrophysics! 

Ava Ghods
Projects and Development Coordinator


Marketing, Fundraising, and Socials (MFS)


Jammy is currently a Master's Trainee at UBC focused on understanding the role of exercise for healthy aging. I'm always excited for any type of outdoor activity, but I also enjoy sports such as badminton and swimming.

Jammy Zou
Head of MFS
Website Designer


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Danielle completed a BSc Hons in Immunology at McGill University with a research focus in virology. She is currently a medical student at McGill and plays trombone in the university's classical ensembles. To unwind, Danielle enjoys reading, playing racquet sports and attending Jewish/Ukrainian community events.

Danielle Fox
Head of MFS
Outreach Coordinator



I am a 5th year student in immunology at McGill University. I am passionate biomedical research, particularly in respiratory diseases and in Type 1 Diabetes. I love the outdoors and like to go on hiking trips around the world.

Laura Rendon
Arts and HOTH Coordinator


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Janeva is a U1 student majoring in pharmacology and minoring in sociology at McGill University. I have been a volunteer with the ICUBP at MGH since Fall 2021. I am interested in Indo-Western fashion and biotech!

Janeva Shahi
CONT(ED)I Coordinator
(Continuing Education and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)


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Andrea is pursuing a Master's degree in Neuroscience at McGill University, for which she will be studying the effects of cerebral palsy and spinal muscular atrophy in children. She hopes to later apply this knowledge and experience with a career in medicine as a neurologist. In her free time, Andrea enjoys volunteering, reading, singing and playing sports.

Andrea Oliveira-Carneiro
Outreach Coordinator


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JN is a 3rd year nursing student at the Université de Montréal. He is passionate about physiology, pharmacology and how sciences can benefit human heath. In his free time I like to read, play chess, and sleep 😉.

Jean-Nicolas Foucault
Outreach Coordinator



I am a 5th year student in immunology at McGill University. I am passionate biomedical research, particularly in respiratory diseases and in Type 1 Diabetes. I love the outdoors and like to go on hiking trips around the world.

Jiarui Ao
Finance Coordinator


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Justine recently graduated with a BSc in Anatomy and Cell Biology from McGill. Currently, she is working as an emergency department scribe and volunteering at the ICU at the Jewish General Hospital. Outside the hospital, you will most likely find Justine rowing on the Olympic Basin at Parc Jean Drapeau!

Justine Touzot
Communications Coordinator


If you want to get involved in our executive team, applications are open in the Winter semester (~March/April)

Hospital Staff

Hospital Staff

Montreal General Hospital

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Dr. Hornstein started the Lauren Alexander Foundation in 2013 and came up with the groundbreaking concept of a shadowing and volunteering program, now called the ICU Bridge Program. He continues to develop new ways to make the ICU a more welcoming place for both patients and visitors.

Dr. David Hornstein

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Bita helps us organize our orientation sessions and welcomes our volunteers to the ICU. She is responsible for supporting visitors and facilitating the interactions between staff, volunteers, and visitors.

Bita Danechi 
Family nurse clinician​


The volunteer services manager and administrative assistant, respectively, who help us get our volunteers officially registered at the MGH, RVH, Lachine and Neuro, and able to begin volunteering and shadowing in the ICU.

Rita Giulione & Mattia Angerillo
Volunteer services manager & Administrative assistant

Jewish General Hospital

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Pina is available to support patients and families who are dealing with serious illness, disability, end of life, or under situations of stress, isolation, lack of resources, youth protection and family violence. She provides  informational support and practical help to patients and their families who  may require this assistance.

Pina D'Orve
Social Worker

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Susan suggests and incorporates clinical programs improving medical practices for patients’ safety and well-being.  She is also responsible for coordinating the multidisciplinary team and for training fellow nurses, ensuring the most up-to-date health services to patients.

Susan Cameron
Nurse Educator

Thank you to the JGH staff and Dr. Céline Gélinas (nurse researcher) in particular, for their input and expertise that were crucial in creating and refining the volunteer, staff, and family surveys.

Royal Victoria Hospital

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As head nurse, Sylvie has numerous administrative responsibilities and ensures that the optimal nursing care is provided in the ICU. She is constantly working with the ICU Bridge Program to provide new shadowing and learning opportunities for our volunteers.

Sylvie Ampleman
Head Nurse

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Ruth helps volunteers interact with family members. In the ICU, she is an important liaison between the ICU staff and the families’ loved ones. As the Family nurse clinician in the ICU, she is an important resource person for the families and volunteers alike.

Ruth Guselle
Family Nurse Clinician

Montreal Children's Hospital

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Sarah Shea
Assistant Nurse Manager
(Second from left)

Jennifer Bourque
Spiritual Care Specialist

Judith Le Gallais
(Second from Right)


Dr. Samara Zavalkoff
Pediatric Intensivist

Thank you!

Thank you to the Montreal General, Jewish General, Royal Victoria Hospital and Montreal Children's Hospital staffs for their commitment towards setting up the ICU Bridge Program in their Intensive Care Units as well as their enthusiasm and creative inputs, which will help increase the impact of our program and the variety of experiences that our students are exposed to.




Lauren Alexander Foundation (LAF):


The ICU Bridge Program was inspired and created through the Lauren Alexander Foundation which provides financial support to the ICUBP.


Montreal General Hospital Foundation (MGHF):

The Montreal General Hospital Foundation hosts the ICU Bridge Program’s fund to which individuals can donate to support the program’s mission.

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Zapier donated a free subscription to allow the ICUBP to automate many of of its day-to-day operations.


Quality Sport:


Provides free garment printing/embroidery custom services to the ICUBP.

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Rubiks Solutions:

Provides printing services to the ICUBP at a reduced rate.


Business Box:

Provides printing and laminating services to the ICUBP at a reduced rate to support the PPE Portrait Project.



Concordia MedSpecs (CMS):

CMS helps promote the ICUBP to the Concordia community and helps conduct interviews for ICUBP applicants.


McGill Medical Direction (MD):

MD helps promote the ICUBP to the McGill community and helps conduct interviews for ICUBP applicants.

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